Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the original plan?

I just had a really odd thought after reviewing Pastor Jerry's "moment after you die" sermon.

What was God's original plan? You know, if Adam never sinned. C.S. Lewis' Perelandra asks a similar question in the story of a planet that never fell to the temptation of sin. What if there was no death and everyone lived forever? Assuming procreation was part of that plan, where would the billions upon trillions upon gazillions of people live? Would earth be on huge city of skyscrapers, like Coruscant in Star Wars, one city one planet? Speaking of sci-fi, I guess maybe that explains why God created an infinite universe of solar systems and planets. Maybe He intended for us to populate the entire infinite universe. It's intriguing to think of 10,000 years of sci-fi solutions, space travel, technology and other cool things that may have developed if we were obedient to God's sinless plan and rested in His love? An odd thought, I know.

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