Last Saturday, my nephew Patrick and I didn't do anything, we just stayed at home and lied around. And if you ask us to do anything, we don't do anything.
Actually, we enjoyed the latest Veggie Tales feature based on a Silly Song from Larry. Our friends Pa Grape as George, Mr. Lunt as Sedgewick and Larry as Elliott entertained and educated us. When I asked my almost 6 year old nephew, "what did you like best about the movie?" He answered "the whole thing!!!" (even the angry cheese curls)
The pirates did actually do something for 90 minutes. In famous Veggie Tales silliness, we learned a lesson that laziness gets in the way of being the hero that the King wants us to be.
The movie was a ton of fun. Go see it with a kindergartener or a friend or a friend that's a kindergartener or acts like one. You'll be humming the song "Rock Monster" for days :)