Honestly, I never really enjoyed halloween. Even as a kid, I never liked trick-or-treating much. I always thought it odd and scary to dress up in a costume that I had to wear under a coat because it was too cold out, going out in the dark, walking up to strange houses, begging for candy I didn't really like, while trying not to trip over the steps because I couldn't see out of my mask... ugh! I dreaded it each and every year. As I got older, I went to costume parties, which were more fun and warmer and the apple cider and powdered donuts were yummy.
However, as an adult I noticed more and more of the evil and ungodly overtones to the whole holiday. For a few years, I just boycotted the whole thing and said it's all bad. I read alot of articles that agreed with me and I thought, wow what a great holy Christian I am (not!)
That, however, is not what God wanted for me. When I moved into my house, in a very family neighborhood, I realized that I would have dozens and dozens of kids coming to my door. And I thought what a great opportunity to show Jesus' love and invite them to church. So, for the last few October 31st's I've opened my door, greeted the (mostly) cute children with a smile, dropped more than one kit kat in their bag along with a small card: